In the Spain of the Post- War, the authentic struggle had only just begun. A World War would affect the Whole World. Which the German : Adolf Hitler would lead to extremes , seeking total victory , finding more than a defeat . While a Spain - decanted by fascist marches, in which the winners of the Spanish Civil War plunged the Country . The quedaria finally under the influence of the United States after the division of Europe between the North Americans and the Russians, to the arrival of the Allied victory.

But meanwhile the Spanish families suffering class differentiation , hundaban as many decanted sides of the war, and so the final position of the most powerful families , could be greatly affected by the repression of the Franco regime , but had supported the coup of the Caudillo of Spain , Francisco Franco ,- in an era in which war to their need , as well demonstraban leaders of neighboring countries , mostly decanted all the leadership.

Here begins our story : A wealthy family, after the Civil War , is immersed in a Post- War that would be even harder than the War itself to them, however will look never reflected in the genuine sufferings High Class Class low , but if the powerlessness changing roles of Social Status , in lives that continue beyond the leaders, but in which its high economy , as in the current business , indebted , with inflacionadas needs, the requirement to these favoritism , as pronounced in the authoritarian regime and permanent Warlord era in which the current government policy had not even made ??a dent in the company and this was permanently molded to equal totalitarianism regime.

The history of our players on a journey starts threatening tragedy, as the story continues, losing itself in life that does not stop, continuing alien and indifferent to developments and events that do not affect them. -Our two protagonists are two adorable twin with only 6 years old and his brother only 3 years, will look compelled in a stubborn decision; living with his family suffering from impotence before a tragic accident they wanted to avoid. As time history does not stop disrupting people's lives continue to this day with events, not unaffected by the lives of all the characters that surround our protagonists.